Ethiopia Banko Chelchele Anaerobic - Filter Roast


Ripe Berries

Our first Anaerobic fermentation from Ethiopia, this coffee is darn tasty. The fermentation enhances the ripe berry and fruit tones normally found in natural processed Ethiopian coffees and adds a tropical aspect to the cup. The coffee comes across as sweet and full with a cocoa finish.

COUNTRY - Ethiopia
REGION - Banko Chelchele, Yirgacheffe
ALTITUDE - 1900 - 2300 M.A.S.L
VARIETAL - 74110, 74112
PROCESSING METHOD - Anaerobic Natural

This coffee is grown in Banko Chelchele, in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region [SNNPR] Ethiopia. The high altitude, rich soil, and climate create excellent conditions for producing great coffee.

By sealing the cherries, either pulped or whole in an oxygen free environment (anoxic) it causes the microbes and yeasts to convert sugars and acids in the coffee’s mucilage into different acids, CO2, ethyl alcohol, and other compounds. The beans will ferment somewhat differently depending on whether they are washed, naturals, or honeys, therefore leading to a variety of fruit and candy-like flavours.

The ripe coffee cherries are hand picked and allowed to dry completely around the seed before being husked or hulled off. While historically this hulling was done by hand with a kind of mortar-and-pestle setup, today it’s done by machinery that can be finely calibrated.
While the coffee is drying the sugars are continually fermenting inside the cherry while there is enough moisture to feed the microorganisms. This can take up to 30 days on average.
Due to the long fermentations, natural processed coffees often display fruity or “pulpy” flavours, often described as “boozy” or “winey”; can also have strong nutty and/or chocolate characteristics, and typically has a heavier or syrupy body

JARC 74110, 74112
JARC (Jimma Agricultural Research Center) Selections are a group of coffee varieties that were developed by the Jimma Agricultural Research Center in Ethiopia in the 1960s and 1970s. These varieties were created through selective breeding, with the goal of improving coffee yields and disease resistance 1. The other type of coffee varieties are regional landraces, which grow in the wild.
The term “heirloom” is often used to describe Ethiopian coffees, but it is not a very useful term as it does not recognize the different varieties of coffee, in fact, the term “heirloom” was used as a catch-all name to describe coffees from Ethiopia by specialty coffee buyers who didn’t know what varieties of Typica and Bourbon they were buying