Colombia Luis Anibal Calderon Papayo - Filter Roast


Lime Fruitburst
Stewed Apple

We love coffees from Luis Anibal, and this unique varietal is no exception. Aromatic with a crisp acidity, balanced with a clean sugary sweetness. Flavours of stewed and caramelized apple, with a finish of cacao. 

COUNTRY - Colombia
REGION - Acevado, Huila

Luis Anibal is a second generation coffee grower born in Acevedo, Huila. When he turned 15 his father gifted him a small portion of land from which he was able to start saving some profits. By the time he turned 40, he owned a 20 hectare farm called Villa Betulia.
Luis Anibal was one of the first farmers in Huila to produce high end micro lots as well as master alternative processing methods such as extended fermentation honey and natural. Today on his farm you’ll find all sorts of exotic varietals including Gesha Tabi Red
Bourbon, Java, Sidra, Caturra, Typica Maragogype Pacamara Pink Bourbon, Papayo, Mokka among others.
In harvest he provides jobs to people around having an economic impact on the community. In 2019 Luis Anibal, under the guidance of Cofinet began planting native trees amongst his coffee trees to reduce the need for fertilizers, preserve his soil and improve his cup quality Also Luis, along with the assistance of Cofinet has worked to improve his processing techniques of high end microlots

After the coffee cherries have been picked, the cherries are depulped (skin removed) or demucilaged (skin and pulp removed).
The coffees are typically then held in “fermentation tanks” for 12–72 hours, allowing for a gentle controlled fermentation to cause any remaining pulp to separate from the beans. Fermentation may occur from the moment of harvest until the seeds reach an inhospitable moisture content for them (11% moisture)
The beans are finally dried for up to 15 days on patios, raised beds, or in parabolic dryers until the ideal moisture content is reached.
Typically washed coffees have clean, articulate flavours; caramel or sugary sweetness; a wide spectrum of fruit acidity depending on other factors; capable of bright, crisp notes.

By sealing the cherries, either pulped or whole in an oxygen free environment (anoxic) it causes the microbes and yeasts to convert sugars and acids in the coffee’s mucilage into different acids, CO2, ethyl alcohol, and other compounds. The beans will ferment somewhat differently depending on whether they are washed, naturals, or honeys, therefore leading to a variety of fruit and candy-like flavours.

Papayo is relatively rare outside of Huila and little is actually known about how it arrived in Colombia. It was originally thought to be a Caturra mutation, but genetic testing by World Coffee Reseach indicates a close relationship with Ethiopian Landraces. Papayo cherries are distinctive, with an elongated shape. The name comes from its similar color and shape to the papaya fruit.